Rob Ferrini

Laptop and a lock signifing security

What is a fraudulent instruction email and how can I prevent getting scammed by one?

To prevent fraudulent instruction emails, businesses can take the following steps:

  1. Implement email filtering: Use email filtering tools to detect and block suspicious emails, such as those with known malware or phishing links.
  2. Train employees: Train employees on how to recognize and avoid phishing scams and other types of social engineering.
  3. Verify requests for sensitive information: Verify any requests for sensitive information, such as wire transfers or changes to banking information, by contacting the person or organization directly.
  4. Use multi-factor authentication: Use multi-factor authentication to verify the identity of the person requesting sensitive information.
  5. Do not use personal email for official communication: Encourage employees to use official email accounts for business communication and not to use personal email accounts.
  6. Establish protocol: Establish a protocol for how to handle suspicious emails and how to report them to the appropriate parties.
  7. Use encryption: Use encryption to protect sensitive information both in transit and at rest.
  8. Monitor network activity: Monitor network activity for unusual or suspicious behavior.
  9. Have a incident response plan in place: Have a incident response plan in place and test it regularly, so that you can respond quickly and effectively in the event of a BEC attack.
  10. Have a comprehensive security audit done by a professional: Have a comprehensive security audit done by a professional to identify vulnerabilities and to ensure that your security systems are configured correctly